Aug 21, 2007

Optimus Prime

Blu-ray not good for Michael Bay

Ooh, it's showtime. Michael Bay doesn't like Blu-ray anymore and he loves HD DVD now. He's happy with Paramount and now in good mood to do Transformers 2.
[Via Michael Bay's blog]

"Last night at dinner I was having dinner with three Blu-Ray owners, they were pissed about no Transformers Blu-Ray and I drank the kool aid hook line and sinker. So at 1:30 in the morning I posted - nothing good ever comes out of early am posts mind you - I over reacted. I heard where Paramount is coming from and the future of HD and players that will be close to the $200 mark which is the magic number. I like what I heard. As a director, I'm all about people seeing films in the best quality possible, and I saw and heard firsthand people upset about a corporate decision. So today I saw 300 on HD, it rocks!"

"So I think I might be back on to do Transformers 2!"
