Oct 13, 2007

Optimus Prime

Free Transformers MP3 player

Available only with the purchase of Transformers DVD. This MP3 player has a 128 MB storage, we are not sure that how many songs fit on it. It's small and I will buy that for a dollar.Two more shots after the jump. [TFans]


Anonymous said...

How do you put music on it, with no software?..It doesn't show up on the computer????????????????????

Anonymous said...

I have it and it works fantastic. It acts as a flash drive in escence. You grab the files you want and put them in the folder and bam.

Anonymous said...

I have this same player and have been able to put mp3's on it. However It will not play the mp3's. I have used the volume control and still nothing comes out of the headphones. If anyone knows any trouble shooting techniques with this thing I would love to hear them. Thanks.

Justin Russell said...

I also have this mp3 player and I am only able to play 2 songs. I was able to get about 20 songs on it (depends on the file size. Most were about 3 mb). I just dragged and dropped them into the folder for the mp3 player. HOWEVER, it only plays two of those songs. And in both cases where I put song files on it then deleted them, one of the songs that played was one of the deleted songs! The song doesn't show up in the folder, either, since it was deleted. Not sure what to do. It works as a storage device AND as an mp3 player, technically. But it doesn't play the music I put on it the way I think it should. Am I doing something wrong? Please let me know, if anyone has an idea or suggestion.

Anonymous said...

i lost the usb to the mp3 and cant find replacement for it can anyone help me email me jlmiller725811@yahoo.com