Dec 7, 2007

Optimus Prime

Transformers 2 Coming by June 2009

If you're still wondering what Michael Bay's Transformers 2 is going on then you're in luck, we've got the releasing date. Yup, its true. Nelson, the administrator of Mr. Bay's website, said something about it.

"BTW, Bay just indicated to me that Transformers is still on schedule," he writes. "The movie is still in heavy prep and 'will be released JUNE 24th 2009.'" [Shoot for the edit]

Okay, we will wait.


Anonymous said...

I like the big countdown clock.

Anonymous said...

Glad that there is a sequel to the 1st transformers.

Anonymous said...

flippin sweet transformers 2 can't wait to see the autobots rollout and kick some @$$ its gonna be a hard hitting movie

Anonymous said...

first trailer will be during the Superbowl. i cant wait