Jun 10, 2008

Optimus Prime

First Name for Transformers 2: Revenge of the Fallen

So finally, at long last, the official title of the upcoming sequel has been announced. It'll be called "Transformers 2: Revenge of the Fallen." Probably the evil Decepticons will be back to be the winners instead of losers! But what if Jazz is the one who wants revenge? And I personally think that it's time for Optimus Prime to find a place to hide. What do you guys think, were you expecting more robots here or are you happy with the vengeance alone? [Hasbro]


Anonymous said...

get me soundwave!! please!!

Anonymous said...

woo.... starscream plans the revenge...

Anonymous said...

Hi! Is there a countdown clock to Transformers Revenge of the fallen to download ??? :)

Anonymous said...

The movie is the best. It is 2 hours and 45 mins long.